Best drive Defensive & Advance Driving School

January 2020


The Best congratulations on passing your test You’re now in the driving club just like the rest Enjoy your freedom and off you go But always remember drive careful in snow

Hugo Read More »


Throw Away The L PLATES You can throw away the L plates, No more studying the Highway Code, It’s time to put your foot down, It’s time to hit the road, You’re an independent driver, You’ve passed the test at last, So go out and get behind that wheel, Drive off and have a blast!

Anwara Read More »

Driving in Rusholme

Rusholme is an inner-city of Manchester, England, which is about 2 miles south of the city centre. The population of Rusholme ward at 2011 census was about 13,643. If you have come to learn driving with a professional driving instructor who is offering affordable quality driving lessons in Rusholme then you are at right you

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