Best drive Defensive & Advance Driving School


1. About the questions

A: Usually the answer you will get is 40 to 60 hours including the time period you will spend in a driving school, but that is wrong. There are certain factors on which this whole time depends on, and those factors are, your ability to learn, a total of training you have taken, time period of each training and lecture, and how often your practice your skills.
Answer: you have to bring the following stuff with yourself:
  • You must bring comfy shoes
  • You must bring a water bottle with yourself.
  • You must bring your provisional license.
  • A jumper is also advised to be brought.
  • Glasses as per your convenience
Answer: Yes, you can learn in an automatic as well.
Answer: it depends on the course selection in some cases it will be 30 hours a week, or it can be 2-4 weeks class based upon 2-5 hours as well.
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