Best drive Defensive & Advance Driving School

October 2019


Throw Away The L PLATES You can throw away the L plates, No more studying the Highway Code, It’s time to put your foot down, It’s time to hit the road, You’re an independent driver, You’ve passed the test at last, So go out and get behind that wheel, Drive off and have a blast!

Raees Read More »


Happy Motoring So at last you’ve passed your driving test And can drive away quite free Without those awful L plates For all the world to see Don’t get done for speeding Don’t try to drink and drive Make sure you wear your seat belt And make sure you stay alive

Osama Read More »

Does the information about indicators and Dashboard warning lights is essential

Through the dashboard warning lights car communicates to you and tells you how your car is behaving. So, that is why knowledge of dashboard warning lights is essential. Also, to pass the driving test you should know about warning lights. In the best driving school in the UK, they teach about all indictors and dashboard

Does the information about indicators and Dashboard warning lights is essential Read More »

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