Best drive Defensive & Advance Driving School

Driving instructor

Many people think that driving skill is a useless skill but they are a worry. In reality, driving skill is a useful skill. It gives you better job opportunities, no need to rely on public transport and a sense of independence, etc. For example, if you don’t rely on public transport and you rely on your parents or on mates, so you have to plan your schedule according to them and you will waste a lot of money on petrol by paying to your mate if you rely on mates. In this way you lost the sense of independence, you will waste a lot of money and you will not be able to get anywhere on time. So it is important you learn driving and use your car to get anywhere. If you are a good driver and you love to drive you can become an instructor or you can open your own driving school and teach people driving skills. Also, the best driving school in the UK is always in search of good and experienced driving instructor, you can join them. Driving instructor is the only responsible for the increase in the pass rate of driving test because if the instructor is good and he teaches you well only then you can be able to pass the driving test and get your license. Only a good instructor can make you a good driver.

What is a driving instructor

Basically, the instructor is a person who loves to drive and who teach driving skill to the new learner for their better future. Only a good instructor can make learning driving fun and positively experienced. It is important you have the knowledge of signs of the good and bad driving instructor if you don’t want to waste your time and money.

Signs of wrong instructors

The wrong instructor basically a person who shows he is a good and experienced instructor but in reality, he is a phony instructor. He just robs your money and wasting your time. If you don’t want to waste your time and money then stay away from them. They can spoil your future and make your driving learning a negative experience.  If you found that you are with the wrong instructor then change your instructor, before he wasted your time and money. There are some signs of wrong instructors:

  • Shouts at you
  • He spends a lot of time on the phone
  • We spent more time talking than doing practice
  • I was asked to pay upfront for 40 lessons before even getting in a car
  • I paid you than I needed and he is not giving back my remaining money
  • When I do something wrong he gets more stressed
  • My instructor ended the lesson earlier
  • Keep canceling lessons at the last minute

What should you do if you find that you are with the wrong instructor

If your instructor has all signs of the wrong instructor it means you are with the wrong instructor and you need to change your instructor.  Close lessons with him and find a good instructor who can teach you well and make you capable of driving tests. Only an experienced instructor can find your faults and help you to avoid them. It is important if you want to pass the driving test with zero mistakes. Many people pass their driving test in the very first attempt with zero mistakes because they learn driving from the good instructor who finds their mistakes and helps them to avoid them. The experienced instructor knows how he can make their pupils capable to avoid their mistakes. If you want to pass your driving test with zero mistakes you just need to join a good instructor and need to do the practice.

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