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Fuel efficiency of cars

Fuel efficiency of cars

Every time you decide to buy a car the idea of getting a fuel-efficient car comes first to your mind. It helps in better usage and cost-saving. According to research, manual cars use 10 to 15 percent less fuel than automatic cars. Using fuel-efficient techniques, we can save hundreds of dollars yearly. There are cars that use less fuel and if you already have a car then you can try the tricks to save fuel rather than buying a new fuel-efficient car.

Using the following tips, you can actually save your fuel to a great extent.

Reduce weight and remove roof racks

Most cars have roof racks that are not being used by the drivers, so it is better to remove them as they add extra weight to the car and which in turn adds pressure on the tires. Heavy cars use for fuel than lighter ones because more force is needed to displace them so it is highly recommended that you should travel with less weight. The lesser the weight lesser will be the fuel required to move the car. It was estimated that the fuel consumption of a normal-sized car increases by about 1 percent with an increase of every 25 kilograms in weight.

Steady speed and acceleration

When you push your accelerator harder you use more energy and so more fuel. It is highly recommended to accelerate gently whenever you need to. The most fuel-efficient acceleration rate is 20 kilometers per 5 seconds. Don’t ever push the accelerator down for a longer time period. 50 kilometers per hour is the highest gear recommended speed for saving fuel.

Running cars at high speeds uses more fuel it was stated after experiments that when you vary speed up or down at the rate of 75 or 80 kilometers per 18 seconds you increase your fuel cost by 20 percent. Dropping your speed from 80 meters per hour to 70 meters per hour can save your fuel up to 25 percent.

Vehicle shape

The shape of the vehicle also matters as streamlined vehicles use less fuel due to fewer encounters with resistance. Aerodynamic drag increases fuel consumption by 20%. Removing racks and extra things placed on the roof of the car can streamline the vehicle.

Air conditioning vs windows

Air conditioners use energy directly from fuel and so a huge percentage of fuel is lost due to them. It is a better idea to use windows for air conditioning as it is very effective for cutting down fuel loss. You should use the air conditioning system sparingly if you seriously want to save fuel.

Car engine quality

The car engine is the most vital part of a car. It is directly in contact with the fuel so if the car engine has any problem then the fuel is not used according to to need by it. Periodic car servicing is a good technique to keep a check on the car engine and cut dons extra fuel losses.

Avoid idling and anticipate the traffic

It is recommended to turn off the car engine when you are stuck somewhere for more than 60 seconds. Some people have a habit of strolling around aimlessly and turning their cars on roads without any reason. A vehicle with a 3 liters engine wastes about 300 mL of fuel when you use the car for 10 minutes idly.

Measuring tire pressure regularly, using a display system for fuel consumption for keeping a check, and planning your journey before heading to avoid time and fuel loss are some other ways of saving fuel. However, the best way of saving fuel is by using public transport, avoiding cars when not needed to go far, and cycling.

Wrap up

Fuel-saving is important not only for you but also for your fellow beings. When you save fuel for yourself you actually save fuel for the coming generations. So, it is your duty to be efficient in fuel management.