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Driving Guide For Extreme Weather Conditions By Intense Drivers Course

If you know anything about driving courses, you would know what an intense driver’s course is. It is a crash course that is taught over a short period ad in that time all the bac of driving is taught to the clients. Taking these courses is beneficial for people who know a little bit about driving already, and it may also be helpful for those who want to do it in a small amount of time. Main things are taught in these courses, but it covers much more than you can expect. In these courses, you will aloe be able to learn how to drive in extreme weather conditions.

Driving in extreme weather conditions

No matter how good a driver is, it can become very challenging for them to drive in such weather conditions. Driving in such conditions can be challenging as you don’t have enough control over the wheel, and the weather can affect visibility. This becomes the major reason for accidents, so it is better not to drive in such conditions, but you should do it with extreme caution if you have to. A skilled driver can only manage their car in such conditions, and that too.

Following are some things that you should do when you have to drive in storms or snowfall.

Planning route

It is better to plan your route, You should try to say indoor, but even if you have to drive, you should make sure that the path you are going through is safe in such weather. A detailed map can also help you determine what parts of your planned route might affect this storm. If such a situation arises, you should know of safer alternate routes that you can take. It is getter to trave o roads from where any hindrances are removed efficiently.

Prepare your vehicle

If it is snowing heavily outside, you should make sure t deice your car or whatever vehicle you are using. After deicing your car, you should warm up the vehicle. All the windows should be clean, and make sure you have removed all the ice from your windshield. Make sure that your wipers are working well so that if it continues to snow in your way, you will be able to get rid of it from the windshield.

Drive slows

Driving slowly can help you avoid a lot of accidents. Driving slowly becomes even more important when driving while snowing or in other extreme weather conditions. When you are driving fast, your vehicle can slip on the road. When you are driving slowly, you will have more time t get hold of your vehicle on a slippery road.

Keep space from other vehicles

When diving in such weather conditions, it is better to keep a distance from the other vehicles. Make sure you are not trying to overtake any other vehicle. It would help if you were more careful about the ones riding on bicycles and motorcycles because they would have very little control over their vehicle in such weather conditions. So, in an intense drivers course, it is taught to keep your distance from such vehicles so that you are not putting your and their lives in danger.

Stay on main roads

It is better to travel on the main road. Smaller roads are at more risk of being blocked by fallen trees. Main roads have more space that you will be able to avoid such kind of blockage. Main roads might be slightly populated but will be much safer. Security and emergency services on such roads are more accessible, and you can easily get hold of help if you end up getting stuck on the road.

Hold doors tightly

when you are getting in or out of your vehicle, you should hold your door tightly. Upon opening doors in such weather conditions, it is a risk that the door might spring away. So, holding on to doors tight is very important. These doors can also hit some other vehicles if you lose control of them. So, make sure it doesn’t slip from your grip.

Keep space from buildings and trees as well

You shouldn’t only maintain distance from other vehicles but make sure that there is enough distance between your vehicle and the building sand trees on the side of the road. Wind can be strong in such weather, making you lose control of your vehicle. This can end up causing damage to your vehicle and may also be hazardous for you. for your safety, make sure that there is a significant amount of distance between your vehicle and any objects on the side o the road.

All season tires

Make sure that your car has all-season tires. These tires are good in any weather condition as they are less slippery. You should rive with the same caution with these tires as well as they are just another layer of protection from bad accidents. These tires are usually more expensive than the other regular tires, but it is better to invest in such tires. It would be worth the money when it saves you from bad accidents.

Keep winter essentials in your car

It would help if you kept winter essentials in your car or emergency matters. Most of the time, people get stranded in these cars due to t weather conditions. You should have a portable charger for your device as well. Pack a few snack bars with you as well. Pack a torch so if you get stranded at night time, you will be able to look around. Also, pack a blanket to give you warmth. Keeping all these things in your car can be very beneficial in emergencies. You will be able to survive until the help arrives with all these necessities with you.


These are all the things you need to learn and will be taught in an intense driver’s course. Following all these protocols, you will be able to avoid any accidents in such weather. Even if you get stranded, you will be able to handle the situation better. So, make sure you know all these things before you plan to drive in extreme weather situations like snow, heavy rain, and extremely windy weather.

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