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Do the Norfolk and Suffolk have beat the national average in the driving test

In the UK it is very difficult to pass the driving test and get a license but the Norfolk and Suffolk have beat the national average in driving test. The pupils of Norfolk and Suffolk have successfully passed their driving test. From the latest coverage of DVSA April 2018 to March 2019, show that compared to the national pass rate of more than 45.7%, less than 51.2% of pupils in Norfolk passed and more than 50.8% in Suffolk. The passing ratio of these two cities is high because there are many best schools in the UK are present. Also, the learning ratio is high in these countries. Their driving schools have experienced instructors who know how to teach their pupils. Because their teachers teach them well, so they learn driving very good and pass the driving test successfully. There are the names of the test center and their passing ratio.

Test center Pass rate
National average 45.8%
Bury St Edmunds 42.2%
Ipswich 60.1%
King’s Lynn 49.7%
Lowestoft 47.0%
Norwich (Jupiter Road) 50.8%
Norwich (Peachman Way) 52.0%


The success of teenager in driving test

The maximum number of teenagers of Norfolk and Suffolk pass their driving test in the first attempt. According to the report of DVSA their ages are between 17 to 25 years old. More than half in Norfolk and Suffolk succeeded in their driving test and again the students of both Norfolk and Suffolk are better than the national average because they spend more time in the practice of car driving.

The perfect driving achievement

There is the number of students in Norfolk and Suffolk who pass their test in the first attempt without doing any mistake in test. This result is unbelievable and this result beat the national average. More than 176 pupils of Norfolk achieved this, just less than 1.1% of all the tests taken across the country, and less than 129 pupils in Suffolk managed it, only 0.7%. The national pass rate of the manual test is higher than the automatic test. The candidates in both Norfolk and Suffolk outperformed this average. More than 44% pupil in Norfolk and less than 44.9% pupil in Suffolk have passed.

Best tips to become a pass Statistic

There is a story behind every good driver who passed his/her who passed his exam without any mistake, the story of his/her hard work, practice and spend time on it. You can also achieve this by following some tips. Here are some best tips that can help you to keep your worries at bay and to show you skills to the examiner.

Prepare yourself before the night

To avoid the panics on the test day the make sure you have got everything that you need to take with you. Try to take a good night’s sleep if you can.

Eat and drink

Make sure you eat and drink well before the driving test. You don’t fear the toilets because toilets are available at test centers. If you eat and drink well then it helps you to keep the focus on the test and you can show the examiner your skills.

Always remember the basics

You don’t need to nervous before and during the test. If you get nervous on test you forget the basics and you will do the basics mistakes. You don’t need to get nervous, consider the test as a practice which you did in the training center with your instructor.

It is not the last chance

You don’t need to worry and don’t lose heart if you don’t pass a driving test in the first attempt, you can pass in second, third or even in the fourth attempt. If you don’t pass the test in the first attempt is not the end of the world, do more practice and make yourself prepare for the next test, one day you will pass the test.

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