Best drive Defensive & Advance Driving School

Find a suitable driving instructor for you

If you are giving your time and money to get a driving lesson then you should try to find a good driving instructor. Your preference should be to find a grade driving instructor for you. The driving instructors are given three grades:

  • A
  • B
  • C

But to achieve A grade the instructor has to pass 3 tests.

Things you should check

  • The instructor should be punctual.
  • You should also check that he is available in your area.
  • What is the qualification of the instructor?
  • How long he has been teaching?
  • How much he charges?
  • He should have a maintained car.

You should keep in mind that you are paying the instructor if you feel uncomfortable or you are not satisfied then you can change your instructor. Or you can ask any of your relatives or friend about the driving school or instructor.


  1. According to research because of having training from a proper driving instructor the number of accidents has decreased.
  2. The basic rule of a good driving instructor is that he always teaches you all the rules and laws to ensure your safety.
  3. A-grade driving instructor will always teach you about driving manners.
  4. He will also share some of his life experiences with you and it will help you to deal with difficult situations.
  5. Taking driving classes under the supervision of a good instructor will help you to gain confidence in driving.
  6. A driving school will help you to overcome your fears like parallel parking.


There are countless benefits for taking a driving class from a good driving instructor not only for the person who is taking the classes but also for other people on the road.


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