Best drive Defensive & Advance Driving School

June 2019

Show me, Tell me

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text] 1. About the questions You’ll be asked 2 vehicle safety questions during your car driving test. The examiner will ask you one: ‘tell me’ question (where you explain how you’d carry out a safety task) at the start of your test, before you start driving ‘show me’ question (where you show how you’d carry out a

Show me, Tell me Read More »


Congratulations on passing the driving test! Many said it was a hard one but you have managed to pass the exam. You are incredible! So from today, you can now take and drive yourself anywhere you want. Enjoy your wheels and your freedom to drive! God bless!

Dox Read More »


Congratulations on passing the driving test! Many said it was a hard one but you have managed to pass the exam. You are incredible! So from today, you can now take and drive yourself anywhere you want. Enjoy your wheels and your freedom to drive! God bless!

Dox Read More »

Tell me where you’d find the information for the Recommended Tyre Pressures for this car and How Tyre Pressures should be checked.

Among the different questions that are asked to you during your driving test the questions about the car tire pressure is also one of them and if you are wondering why that is important then you should know that car tire pressure plays an important role in car mileage. Car tire pressure and how to

Tell me where you’d find the information for the Recommended Tyre Pressures for this car and How Tyre Pressures should be checked. Read More »

Tell me How you Make Sure your Head Restraint is Correctly Adjusted so it Provides the best Protection in the event of a Crash.

Everything that is present inside your car is either there for the functioning of your vehicle or is there for the safety and comfort of the person. Safety should be the utmost importance of the person driving a vehicle. The safety is important and that is why everything in your vehicle installed there for the

Tell me How you Make Sure your Head Restraint is Correctly Adjusted so it Provides the best Protection in the event of a Crash. Read More »

Tell me How you’d Check that the Brakes are Working before Starting a Journey.

Checking brakes is an important part of the ritual that most of the people perform when they are going to start a journey on that particular vehicle, the reason behind checking the brakes is safety and safety should be your priority while you are driving. How to Check Brakes By safety, the safety of yourself

Tell me How you’d Check that the Brakes are Working before Starting a Journey. Read More »

Tell me how you’d check the Tyres to ensure that they have Sufficient tread depth and that their General Condition is Safe to use on the Road.

Checking your tires and every other thing on a regular basis is very important and should be the part of your routine. Maintenance of your vehicle is something that is taught to you during your driving lessons and if not then you definitely need to find a better Driving School for yourself. There are a

Tell me how you’d check the Tyres to ensure that they have Sufficient tread depth and that their General Condition is Safe to use on the Road. Read More »

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