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Three Point Turn Driving Manoeuvre

Driving tests are not that complicated as the people think they are and the real reason why the people fail this test is because of the nervousness they face during the test. There are a few people who can’t control their nerves well when they are under pressure and that is why they fail these driving tests. There are a few things that the examiner asks you to do and you will also have to go through theory as well as the practical test and passing this test is important to get the driver’s license

Driving man oeuvres

Driving man oeuvres are the tasks that the driving examiner asks you to perform and you will have to do that in a limited amount of time. There is a different type of the man oeuvres that are asked to perform during the driving test and there is given some specific amount of time in which you are asked to perform that. These man oeuvres include the reverse parking, three point turn and downhill and uphill start and many others and it is not necessary that the driving examiner will ask you to perform them all but it solely depends on that instructor and how well you do is what you will be analyzed and scored on.

Three Point Turn

Three point turn as we already know is a driving man oeuvre that is often asked to perform by the
people who are giving their driving test. Basically three-point turn is the turn in which the car is to turn at 180 degrees and that is difficult when it has to be done in a small amount of space and for that you have to reverse and drive forwards making the turn and these usually take three different turns and that is why this man oeuvre is known as the three-point turn. Best driving schools will teach you how to perform it well.

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