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Parts of the Practical Driving Test

As we already know that driving test basically consists of two parts and one of the parts is theory while the other part is the Practical Driving Test. The practical test is what that makes everyone nervous because you have all the attention of your driving examiner and under such situations, people get pressurized and fail in their test. To pass this driver’s license test well you need to understand it well too.

Practical driving test

The practical driving test consists of all the practical work and completing this part of the test well is very important. In this part, the examiner asks all the practical things from you because the Highway Code has already been covered in the theory part. Each theory and practical part are important and that is why it is important to earn good scores in both and you cannot rely on one and leave the other. To prepare best for both these parts of the driving test you need to get driving lessons from one of the best driving school near you.

What’s is in the practical driving test

In the practical driving test, the first part is to check your eyesight and in this test, the driving examiner will ask you to read the number plate of a car standing 2 meters away from you. So getting your eyesight checked before the driving test is very important. The other part of the practical driving test is the show me tell me part. In this part, the driving examiner asks different questions about the car or any other vehicle you have learned driving and will ask you to perform different man-oeuvres. These man-oeuvres can be about parking a car, making an emergency stop or any other such thing. Passing this test is very important or you will have to prepare again from it and wait for your license and freedom to drive on the road.

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