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Major Reasons for Failure Driving Test

Driving tests is one of the important tests in the practical life as learning driving is the dream of everyone and every person want to drive their own car and to be able to do that you need to have a driving license which will be granted to you only if you are able to pass the driving test. The driving test will, in short, be the end of your driving lessons as well. But people even though after all the training end up failing the driving test and that usually happens because if a lot of different reasons.

Not paying attention to the theory

Most of the people don’t consider that theory part is important and only focuses on the practical part of the driving test and that is why they fail the test because they are not able to score well in the test.


Speed is something that these driving test examiners notice a lot and even though you don’t break the speed limit by driving fast but some people drive too slow and that will earn you negative marking and won’t put a great impression on the examiner.


Losing control while driving is something that would directly lead to the failure of the test and that will show you are not good enough to handle a vehicle.

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