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Information about the motorways, A- roads and carriageways

The knowledge of motorways, A-roads and carriageways are necessary to become a good driver and to pass the driving test. It is one of the questions that the examiner asks in the test. And if you know the difference between them you can be able to give an answer. The instructors of the best driving schools in the UK teach you the difference between them. If you don’t know about them you just need to study them and you can be able to give the answers about them. Britain began to classify their roads in 1929, it was really helpful for the motorists. Motorists could adopt their own way now. It was the year the 1060s, when the number of car users was increasing so they built new roads. There are following below the different road classifications and rules.


The road which government design with two or more carriageways to higher standards with controlled access is known as the motorway.

A Road

The major roads that City Governments make to provide large-scale transport links within or between areas are known as A-roads. Classified unnumbered and unclassified with the others being B, they are one of the four main categories of the UK roads. To provide less frustrating, safety, guidelines for the different types of traffic in the country and to make the roads less congested these classifications are designed. It is a direct and widest road. A road is typically the most important for through traffic.

Different between motorway and A-road

A-roads are part of the main four categories in the road classification system and the motorways are specialty roads with certain types of Traffic that should not come here. One should notice that it is very important you know the difference between the motorways and A-roads. If you are driving such a vehicle that should not be able to drive on a motorway or A-road then you will get a ticket for breaking the rule, also it necessary for the driving test and to become a good driver. Motorway also classified as roads with two or more carriageways but this is not always the case. As you should have more confidence before hopping onto a motorway in regards to driving. You should keep your vehicle in great shape for the trip.

Dual carriage

One can use dual carriage for shorter and quick journeys, it is very similar to motorways. When running errands and staying in your local area you will more likely to travel on a dual carriageway. You can say that it is a class of road with carriageways for traffic, each traveling the opposite direction of the other.

Motorway speed limit

According to the UK’s traffic rules the motorways speed limit is 70 mph. The speed limit of the single carriageway is 60 mph and restricted roads have a speed limit of 30 mph.

How many motorways are in the UK

According to the records, there are 50 motorways in the UK, many of which have an interesting history. Preston bypass in Lancashire was the first motorway in the UK. Now it is the part of the M6 motorway and it was opened in 1958. In 1959 the first full-length motorway M1 in England was opened. This is still a helpful and fabulous pathway for the people. One can use this to travel for long distances and it can really save your time.

Does the best drive school of motoring tells the difference of the motorway, A-road and carriageway

Yes, the best drive school of motoring tells the difference of the motorway, A-road, carriageway. As they don’t waste your time and money, they make you a good driver.


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