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How To Safely Complete Emergency Stop – Driving Emergency Tips

The emergency stop is one of the manoeuvres which is taught to you during the driving lessons. Either you are getting the expensive lessons or the cheap lessons these manoeuvres are the part of the driving lessons. The emergency stop is very important and you should learn it to make sure you are safe and keeping the other people on the road safe when the circumstances where it is needed arises.

Tips on the Emergency Stop

Tips on this may help you a lot because then you will be able to know what to do when you’re driving
examiner to ask you to do so.
 The examiners will tell you that they will ask you to perform this manoeuvre you don’t have to
obsess over it otherwise you will end up ruining your driving tests.
 When you are practising it you need to make sure that the road you are going to do it will be
deserted so you are not keeping anyone in danger.
 You also have to keep your car speed low so that you don’t end up hurting yourself and you will
even be guided to do so in your driving test.
 The driving examiner will come up with the movement like raise of hand or tap on the dashboard that will indicate that you have to make the emergency stop now.

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