When you are looking for a driving school you should make sure you find the Best Driving Schools that
can help you learn all the driving maneuvers that will be asked of you to perform during your driving
test and the forward bay parking is one of such maneuver. You need to learn a lot more than driving on
a straight road when you have to learn driving and the most important thing about passing your driving
test is that you need to be good ta driving, knowing the rules and regulations of traffic and also some
basic car maintenance things and that is all taught to you throughout your driving lessons. Forward bay
parking is the maneuver that you need to understand well because this may be the reason you pass or
lose your test.
What is forward bay parking?
Forward bay parking is the type of parking that I to be done in the specific bay area within the parking
lot. Inside the parking lot, these bays are marked and you have to park your car within it. This separate
space is provided for each vehicle so that you don’t hit any other car while parking your car and when
your car is in that particular area it will be easy for the others to park too.
How to do forward bay parking
When you are doing a forward bay parking you need to make sure that you stay within these lines and
you should close your side mirrors when you are done with it so that your side mirrors are safe. You will
also have you be careful when you are pulling your car out of that bay area so that you don’t damage
anyone else’s vehicle while doing so. This is the easiest type of parking and you can do it very easily.