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Difference between motorways, dual carriages, and roads

When you take the driving lessons from the best driving schools it shouldn’t only be about driving but you should learn a lot of other things as well. All of this should be taught at your driving school and during your driving lessons, you need to know what type of roads are there and what are the rules and speed limits to drive on each type of the roads. If you dint know this already then you should know that roads are classified and each type of the road has its own speed limits and other limits and rules that you have to abide by when you are driving on that type of the road. These rules also vary from country to country so if you are driving in a new country then you should learn about that.

Types of roads

Basically, there are three different types of roads and you learn all about that in your highway code which is the first part of your driving test and is a theory test. Following is the classification of roads

  • Motorway
  • Road
  • Dual carriage

So these are the type of roads and you can learn about them in your theory test preparation. You are taught through this in your driving lessons and you can also earn by the help of your Highway Code books which you have to buy for your driving test preparation.

Motorway, Dual Carriage, and A-Roads

Motorways is a road which has two or more carriageways but that is not always the case and there are certain limits for driving on a motorway. You can drive in the motorway at a speed no more than 70mph and when oy comes to the dual carriageway which is like the motorway is shorter. And it has the speed limit of 60mph. A-Roads have the limit of 30 mph. When you are on a motorway you have to go for a very long distance without stopping your car and that is why before you get on the motorway you have to make sure that your dark is in the right condition and your gas tank is full. On dual carriageways, you don’t have to worry about that because the distance is not much and it’s even easier with the A-roads but you have to watch your speed limits.

How motorway is different

A motorway is different from the A roads and dual carriageways in many ways and following are some of the differences

  • A motorway usually has 2 or more than that carriageways.
  • It allows the highest speed of 70 mph on the road.
  • It allows an only certain type of traffics on the road and any other traffic is not allowed to move on the motorway
  • With the help of motorway, you cross distances faster.

So these are all the things that make traveling on the motorway different form the others.

Speed cameras on the motorway

There are speed cameras on the roads which access the speed of your vehicle and that is how the traffic police officers know when you are speeding. They are not present on all motorways and sometimes they are present on the motorways but are not active and are activated when the weather is not god and the speed limits have been lowered. So make sure you abide by the rules and stay in your speed limit or you will have to face the circumstances of getting a ticket. But some of the cameras on these motorways which are the busiest are the activities the most so that any vehicle not abiding by the rules can be identified.

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