Best drive Defensive & Advance Driving School

Basic Parts of the Driving Test

The driving test is the most important part of getting the driving license. To get the license you need to first join a driving school where you will be trained well on how you need to drive and what will be expected from you during the driving test. A driving school license is given to you when you have passed that test and applied for that license. To pass that test you have to understand the test properly and here is what you need to know

Driving test

Following are the basic part of the driving test that you need to know about  Your vision will be tested so that they can see if you are able to see the number plate of the car at a distance of 20 meters  They will test your knowledge about car maintenance as well so you will have to learn this too  You will be tested based on your driving skills as well and make sure you know how to park as well as how to stop the car in an emergency.  You will be tested on your reverse driving as well and that is sometimes you should make yourself comfortable with  You will be allowed to driven your own for 10 minutes while the person will take notes and provide you with the directions.

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